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Ordering Salads & Veggies

Order Process

As our new shopping cart is unfamiliar to many, orders can still be placed by using the existing order forms.  This can be done by clicking on either the Order Veggies or Order Salads Buttons. We do however hope that you try the user experience provided by our on-line shop and search facility below!

Thumbnails Products Price Quantity Description Action
Spinach Creamed - Frozen
Spinach Creamed - Frozen Cooked in White Sauce & Feta Cheese is added All our Salads and Pot-Ready Vegetables are:
  • MADE TO ORDER, ensuring you the freshest produce possible.
  • Priced and sold per kilogram
Please ensure that orders are placed 48hrs in advance.
All our Salads and Pot-Ready Vegetables are:
  • MADE TO ORDER, ensuring you the freshest produce possible.
  • Priced and sold per kilogram
Please ensure that orders are placed 48hrs in advance.
Summer Coleslaw Salad
Summer Coleslaw Salad comprises: Coleslaw with Pineapple, Red Apple and Cucumber All our Salads and Pot-Ready Vegetables are: MADE TO ORDER, ensuring you the freshest produce possible. Priced and sold per kilogram - 5 kg MINIMUM ORDER per product. Please ensure that orders are placed 48hrs in advance. A delivery charge of R100 will be charged for orders less than 30 Kgs.
Sweet Potatoes - Sliced or Cubed
All our Salads and Pot-Ready Vegetables are: MADE TO ORDER, ensuring you the freshest produce possible. Priced and sold per kilogram - 5 kg MINIMUM ORDER per product. Please ensure that orders are placed 48hrs in advance. A delivery charge of R100 will be charged for orders less than 30 Kgs.
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Three Bean Salad
All our Salads and Pot-Ready Vegetables are: MADE TO ORDER, ensuring you the freshest produce possible. Priced and sold per kilogram - 5 kg MINIMUM ORDER per product. Please ensure that orders are placed 48hrs in advance. A delivery charge of R100 will be charged for orders less than 30 Kgs.
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